Fulbright Advisement

 minsun joo

Minsun Joo, from Seoul, South Korea

From 2013 to 2014, I studied in Graduate Center, City University of
New York as Fullbright Visiting Researcher with professor Gail Levin.
My research area is early 20th-century American art, especially the
art and industrial design of interwar period, the machine age. I think
during this critical period, America endeavored to establish their
identity and define the modern. In addition, I’m also interested in
examining the ways in which the public has received new modern
culture, the “machine”. Thus I expanded my research by investigating
how major museum’s exhibitions and world fairs have served in forming
public opinions during the period. New York was really perfect place
for my research and based on research in here I hope to finish my Ph.
d dissertation in Korea. Also professor Gail Levin always gave me a
lot of help with warm encouragement, my Fulbright year with her would
be one of my precious memories.


Filip Lipinski, from Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznam, Poland; dissertation research on Edward Hopper.